the Life of Zim

23rd April
written by dzimney

Well I’ve been fighting this cold for a good week and a half now. I have no idea what this thing is, but it’s merciless. It started out as a sore throat. Then developed into this respiratory hacking, then a cough, and now I have no idea what it is. I’m coughing a third of the time, stuffed up a quarter of the time and exhausted half the time. It just doesn’t make any damn sense. It’s the most inconsistent cold I’ve ever had. And worst of all, Tony’s been sick with something similar for nearly 6 weeks now. So assuming I’ve got the same thing, it still might be a while until I’m over it. For the most part I’ve felt okay during the daytime, but nights and mornings I start coughing and I’ve been waking up with the worst sore throat ever. It’s like a nasal infection, but then goes away after I’ve been up for an hour. Just plain odd.

We’ll that’s about as exciting as my weeks gotten so far. Really just blogging about being sick because I haven’t got anything else. However, I did get N64 off ebay this week. I still haven’t gotten it yet, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more when I do. Pretty pumped for it. I’m not exactly sure if it’s more the nastalgia factor or the fact the N64 is one the greatest systems, but I’m really excited for Mario Kart, Zelda and Golden Eye plus a few other’s I’ve got coming in the mail.

Anyway, that’s about as exciting as my weeks gotten so far. Weather has cooled off since the weekend which is too bad, but hopefully it’ll be back soon. Although its a lot nicer sleeping in 60 degree weather compared to 80 degree weather.

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15th December
written by dzimney
Monthly averages & records – Portland, OR
Month Average low Average high Average precip Record low Record high
January 37° 46° 6.24 in 12° (1979) 65° (2005)
February 38° 50° 5.07 in 8° (1989) 71° (1988)
March 41° 56° 4.51 in 24° (1989) 79° (1994)
April 44° 61° 3.1 in 31° (1975) 88° (2004)
May 49° 67° 2.49 in 36° (1978) 103° (1983)
June 53° 73° 1.6 in 41° (1976) 101° (1982)
July 57° 79° 0.76 in 47° (1977) 104° (1979)
August 58° 79° 0.99 in 46° (1973) 106° (1981)
September 55° 74° 1.87 in 41° (1982) 103° (1988)
October 48° 63° 3.39 in 31° (1991) 92° (1987)
November 42° 51° 6.39 in 23° (1978) 71° (1975)
December 37° 46° 6.75 in 10° (1983) 67° (1993)
Monthly averages & records – Minneapolis, MN
Month Average low Average high Average precip Record low Record high
January 22° 1.04 in -34° (1970) 59° (1944)
February 12° 28° 0.79 in -33° (1899) 64° (1896)
March 24° 41° 1.86 in -32° (1962) 83° (1986)
April 36° 57° 2.31 in 2° (1962) 95° (1980)
May 49° 70° 3.24 in 18° (1967) 106° (1934)
June 58° 79° 4.34 in 33° (1945) 104° (1934)
July 63° 83° 4.04 in 43° (1972) 108° (1936)
August 61° 80° 4.05 in 39° (1967) 103° (1947)
September 51° 71° 2.69 in 26° (1974) 104° (1931)
October 39° 58° 2.11 in 10° (1925) 90° (1997)
November 25° 40° 1.94 in -17° (1964) 77° (1999)
December 11° 26° 1 in -29° (1983) 68° (1998)
15th December
written by dzimney

Well yesterday there was a 37 °F difference between the high and low temps for the day. Welcome to Minnesota. Definitely one of the colder days of the year as it barely got below zero. The high temperature for the day was 36 °F and by the end of the day it was at -1 °F. Freaking insanity. And on top of the temperature change it snowed all night, which has made for an exceptionally interesting Monday. Luckily didn’t fall at all on the way in, but there were definitely some wobbly moments. The forecast for today calls for a HIGH of -1 °F. Biking it this morning it was around -5 °F and snowy roads. So as you can imagine the ride in was pretty brutal. It’s never too bad as long as you’re covered up well enough, but baring the cold again definitely makes me more anxious to get out to Portland. I keep feeling like we’re going to get out there at the end of January with temps like 40° when we’ve been used to temps around 0°. I’m picturing us riding our bikes in t-shirts and everyone looking at us like we’re out of our minds. It should be a nice sudden change in climate though. Just when we think we can’t take any more of the Minnesota winter, we won’t have to.

Speaking of Portland, for all of the good people that like to keep up with my blog, we’ve got some exciting news from this weekend. We’ve got a place to live! Laura actually just mailed a signed lease and check for the a deposit and first month’s rent on a house in St. Johns. It’s a nice little house as we’ve seen from pictures. We had one of Laura’s friends that lives in Portland check it out to make sure it looked kosher. It’s a pretty sweet area (as far as we can tell). We’ll be about 7 miles from downtown, which isn’t super close but definitely bikable. We’ll also be just across the river from Forest Park, which is amazing. The woman renting the house to us is a social working going back to school for her Masters in Social Work, and will actually be living in the basement apartment of the house. I guess she’s normally lived in the house and rented the basement, but as she’s going back to school needs the extra money and has decided to rent out the house. She’s in her mid-30’s, seems like a very nice lady, and has a 12 year old dog named Blue. We’re definitely very excited about the house, but nervous at the same time. It’s a pretty big commitment for a year when we haven’t actually seen the place, but sometimes you’ve just gotta jump. We’ll be paying rent both in Minneapolis and Portland for January, which sucks a little, but it’s nice to know that we’ve got our new home figured out. Next step is figuring out how to get all of hour shit out there.