the Life of Zim

9th September
written by dzimney

So, into politics…

I think I’ve avoided this for a little while here, but sometimes I watch a few too many videos online, or read some articles that just get me irate about our world and the views of some of the people in it. Mostly I think I’ve avoided this subject in my blog because it simply gets me upset enough that it becomes incredible difficult for me to clear express myself. I don’t if it’s the flood of thought or the rage, but here it goes:

Today, I got this email for Brave New Films and it was a list of the top five youtube videos to watch regarding Senator McCain. I watched them, and of course immediate got upset. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could be even mildly informed and not be infuriated by the Republican party, mainly the current administration of the U.S. and the Republican candidate for President. Honestly, as I’m writing here, I’m feeling almost more than I’m upset for Republicans and what their leaders are doing with their party. And so I ask myself, why aren’t more Republicans upset? I just don’t understand it. I don’t understand the people who support the Republican party in almost anything it has done in the past 8 years. I don’t understand how we’ve gotten to this place as a nation. And it’s depressing how so many of us have been fooled this well, for this long.

It all makes me lose hope in the world. It’s like people sit on this level of faith that the elected officials have our best interests in mind, that news is unbiased and uncensored, and that corporate America makes people’s lives better and more convenient. This country talks a lot about freedom, but when I look at those three things, the current government, the main stream media, and corporate America, I feel more pigeon holed than free.

Anyway, I’m starting to veer from the point.

So without further adieu:
1. The Real McCain 2
2. Less Jobs. More Wars.
3. John McCain vs. John McCain
4. McCain’s Spiritual Guide
5. Why Won’t McCain Sign the GI Bill?

Thank you to Brave New Films.

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